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Tri-tip and Chimichurri Sauce, Part 2

Join Annie Rench as she discusses her healthy yet flavor-packed menu. She shares tips on the benefits of shopping and prepping early, involving the kids without taking on a Queen of England atittude, and teaching them to make Bento boxes with macronutrients. Annie discusses the pros and cons of drinks and appetizers, the importance of communication with your family before you welcome guests and how to show guests you're happy they're there. Stay tuned to the end to hear a hilarious hostess's worst nightmare story that will have you laughing with us. We're so glad you're here! 

Chimichurri Sauce

By Annie Rench



3 cups roughly chopped cilantro

2 cups roughly chopped parsley

2 tablespoons fresh oregano

4 cloves garlic

¼ cup olive oil (you can add more later if you need it!)

6 tablespoons red wine vinegar

1-2 teaspoons red pepper flakes

1-2 teaspoons salt

A touch of honey

Serve with: 


Green beans, steamed until al dente and tossed with grass-fed butter and garlic salt

Sweet potato, diced, tossed with olive oil and roasted until crispy. Sprinkle with salt when done.




Add it all to your food processor and blend to desired texture! If a little dry, add a little more olive oil OR vinegar, to taste. Dump this on any meat that’s red and enjoy!

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